A vision for you, big book page 164 our book is meant to be suggestive only. Aa big book forward to first addition we abide by the traditions of aa and. Chapter 11, a vision for you is a summary of the big book, the program of alcoholics anonymous, and the growth of the fellowship at that time1939. See to it that your relationship with him is right, and great events will come to pass for you and countless others. We shall be with you in the fellowship of the spirit as you trudge the road of happy destiny. Confessions of a big book sponsor big book sponsorship. This is a wellrepeated reference to page 164 in the big book of alcoholics anonymous. One of my great shames in life is that i feel incredibly lazy all the time. Greeting card and bookmark combo trudge the road of a happy destiny. We shall be with you in the fellowship of the spirit and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the road of happy destiny big book page 168. For all the prayers that are fit to print,the big book.
What does trudge the road of happy destiny mean to you. About this website is an outgrowth of a workshop we put on in costa rica in 2012. And as you travel along this road of happy destiny, it can lead you to a further abandonment to god the father. Trudge surviving the zombie apocalypse book 1 kindle. Aa big book with questions for discussion emotional. Home for all the prayers that are fit to print, the big book index. When reading the big book independently, we substitute the words compulsive eater for alcoholic, and food for alcohol.
Big book prayer index understand that this index is meant to be for reference only. We shall be with you in the fellowship of the spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the road of happy destiny. Oa sea to sky intergroup together we can do what we. Sep 10, 2012 the quotation above comes from the alcoholics anonymous book, popularly referred to as the big book. Alcoholism12 step support big book quotetrudge the road big book quote abandon yourself to god as you understand god. What matters is that you feel the strength, acceptance and hope from your fellows. Trudge having laborious overtones, it did not seem to fit with the general tenor of being catapulted into a fourth dimension, the best is yet to come and a life becoming increasingly more wonderful as. Traveling big book workshop trudging the road of happy destiny. We are a group that love to travel and put on big book workshops for fun and for free. We shall be with you in the fellowship of the spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the road of happy destiny from the aas big book comes to mind as the presenters share their experiences and their stories.
We are accepting new admissions but have implemented additional prescreening procedures to ensure the health and safety of everyone at willingway. Trudging the road of happy destiny traveling big book. What does trudge the road of happy destiny mean in the aa. It is fondly known as the big book, because the first edition had thick pages and was very big.
We are individuals recovering from compulsive overeating through the 12 steps of overeaters anonymous and the teaching and practice outlined in the big book of alcoholics anonymous. The more i fight against these tired difficulties, the more i try to change it, the more intenselyi trudge. Feb 28, 2014 we shall be with you in the fellowship of the spirit as you trudge the road of happy destiny. There are numerous prayers in the big book of alcoholics anonymous.
Friends of bill and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the road of happy destiny alcoholics anonymous page 164. Mar 07, 2009 trudging is one of those words that i thought i knew and understood but had some sort of spiritual experience where i could really see later. Alcoholism12 step support big book quote trudge the road big book quote abandon yourself to god as you understand god. Here at a vision for you, we study the first 164 pages of the big book of alcoholics anonymous.
Among the many wonderful stories in the back of the book alcoholics anonymous is one on page 407 of the 4th edition called acceptance was the answer. P 164 a vision for you a house in order the eaa group. Bb pg 164there is a saying,when the journey becomes your destination you have reached enlightenmenti believe in the big book personal story the keys of the kingdom it describes. Thats not nothing, considering that most of jill lorees childhood memories are infused with her fathers drinking. Friends of bill and you will surely meet some of us as. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. A little ditty on the big book, alcoholics anonymous a vision for. We reach for that threshold that instigates that feeling of being most alive. To feel as if youve survived something each day, a primal accomplishment, as we trudge the road of happy destiny. Whether youre new to alcoholics anonymous, coming back, or have been around a long time, we want you to attend this truly awesome event. One of the phrases that stands out for people in the book alcoholics anonymous. Trudge the road of happy destiny is a phrase that holds a deep meaning for our alumni and friends in recovery, but has had a variety of interpretations.
Why would bill capitalize the word fellowship here and not anywhere else in the big book. The quotation above comes from the alcoholics anonymous book, popularly referred to as the big book. Recovery has given us a second chance to find happiness and freedom. In a past big book study my home group looked at all the stories in the. It speaks well to the inherent contradictions in, not just sober living, but the realities of living a mindful, spirituallyfocused life. Hundreds upon hundreds gathered together in one place to experience the power of the big book. The 12 steps and the textbook alcoholics anonymous a.
God will constantly disclose more to you and to us. Apr 03, 2016 the more i fight against these tired difficulties, the more i try to change it, the more intenselyi trudge. Jul 08, 2012 we shall be with you in the fellowship of the spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the road of happy destiny. What does trudge the road of happy destiny mean in the aa big book.
Oa sea to sky intergroup together we can do what we could. Here at the road of happy destiny, the goal is to present any and everything related to alcoholics anonymous. And please note the preposition used hereit says the road of happy destiny. Oct 08, 2018 to feel as if youve survived something each day, a primal accomplishment, as we trudge the road of happy destiny. The big book contains the 12 steps, the step 3,7 prayers, the forgiveness prayer, how to pray and meditate in step 11, an entire chapter on working with others, and a template for working out a half decent 4th. Spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the road of happy destiny. Later, she would trudge the dreary road of destiny, as the aa big book puts it, getting sober at 26 and picking up only one white chip. West barnstable big book step study alcoholics anonymous. A little ditty on the big book, alcoholics anonymous a. The main author of the big book, bill w, had a certain style of writing that shows up over and over again.
Chesser doesnt fool around, his zombies appear early on in the story, and itsall up from there. After finding some inspiration from this years homecoming theme, taylor l. Trudge in big book alcoholics anonymous, 12 steps and 12. The answers will come, if your own house is in order. We meet twice daily monday through friday starting at 7.
Ask him in your morning meditation what you can do each day for the man who is still sick. Welcome to a vision for you big book study of overeaters anonymous. I know that by putting one foot in front of the other regardless of painful emotions and seemingly endless work, i move ahead. Share meals, recreation, and meditations with fellow aa and alanon members. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading trudge surviving the zombie apocalypse book 1. Never could we recapture the great moments of the past. But i will not have the benefit of contact with you who write this book. Chapter 11, a vision for you is a summary of the big book, the. Big book of alcoholics anonymous, vision for you pg. Im perfectly content with the idea of trudging a road of happy destiny. The air was alive and moving with such great force.
Alcoholics anonymous crossword challenge crossword puzzle. Trudging the road of happy destiny road to recovery. On the road of happy destiny faith seeking understanding. Bill liked to drive home the same point several different ways. Trudge surviving the zombie apocalypse book 1 kindle edition by chesser, shawn, happy, monique.
The big book contains the 12 steps, the step 3,7 prayers, the forgiveness prayer, how to pray and meditate in step 11, an entire chapter on working with others, and a. Aa big book with questions for discussion hi everyone. Convention survey 2019 the power of the big book hello visionaries, another convention has successfully come and gone. Trudge the road of happy destiny is a phrase that holds a deep meaning for our alumni and friends in recovery, but has had a variety of interpretations over the years.
We are a group that love to travel and put on big book workshops. The girlapaloozaa fellowship has created a scholarship fund to pay the registration fee for those who can use a little help. For many of the shelters residents, this book was akin to the bible. Trudgeto walk with slow, heavy, weary, effortful steps. We navigate through these partisan times, secretly just wanting to commune and know that our fellow man and woman has our best interests at heart. Shawn also has something that many e book authors dont, he understandscharacters. The road of happy destiny here on the road of happy destiny, you will find history of alcoholics anonymous, speaker tapes, information on the big book, and much more. The 164 and more book, ebook, and web site are all concordances which display passages from the big book alcoholics anonymous, the twelve steps and twelve traditions, and the a. An online community to share your experience, strength and hope. Mar 03, 2010 here at the road of happy destiny, the goal is to present any and everything related to alcoholics anonymous. In other words, you will find a way to imitate and then replicate the way of life described in the big bookto learn and teach others what you have learned, bringing them into the fellowship. Indeed, it is no secret that, in many ways, the big book has its roots in, and was inspired by, the good book. Here on the road of happy destiny, you will find history of alcoholics anonymous, speaker tapes, information on the big book, and much more. I get excited every time i take a newcomer through the big book and after 8 years, i still get a kick out of it.
Oct 09, 2009 as we trudge the road of happy destiny. In the alcoholics anonymous big book, in the promises, it says these words and trudge and happy dont seem to fit together. Trudging is one of those words that i thought i knew and understood but had some sort of spiritual experience where i could really see later. Welcome to the online resource of the west barnstable mens big book step study group. I thought the phrase an odd one, when i first read this chapter. What does trudge the road of happy destiny mean in the. Please note that this page is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or financed by alcoholics anonymous world services, inc. We meet at the west barnstable community center from 7.
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